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About the New Resident Portal

The new Resident Portal offers substantial improvements in navigation, structure, and overall look and feel. The new site is also easily viewable on all browsers and mobile platforms such as the iPhone, iPad, and Android.

Menus and Navigation

The home page, as before, is anchored by a Google calendar of upcoming conferences, courses and committee meetings. Users can return to the home page by clicking on the site banner or via other conveniently placed links on the site. A back-to top button, visible whenever scroll bars appear, further enhances the site navigation. Pages housing schedules, conferences, rotations, and services include links to underlying policies, goals, objectives, and competencies; the latter also are collected under a new menu tab by subject grouping. 


The General Surgery schedule now includes buttons taking the user directly to the PGY (year) of interest. The top rows displaying month and date are now fixed and visible even when scrolling, emulating state-of-the-art Excel spreadsheet design. All schedules employ responsive design allowing the page text to expand and contract with screen size so that even the immense General Surgery schedule can be viewed on a mobile device.

Contact Info and Password Protection

Contact Information is now consistently presented in a context-sensitive manner. Importantly, sensitive information such as pager lists now require a login (UCSF computer or email login) to access. The user then stays logged in for up to 24 hours.

FAQs & Links

FAQs and links, previously scattered throughout the site, are now collected under a single menu tab, accessible as either buttons or conventional links. 

Research, Funding Policies and Grant Writing

Policies and guides applicable to resident research have been moved to a new resident research site. To access this content, context-sensitive links have been added to the resident portal. 


A new section has been added to showcase the program leadership, Surgical Skills Center, committees and the administrative staff.

Residents & Fellows

There is new section on the menu for displaying rosters of residents and clinical fellows and their biographies (to be built out over time). Notably, these biographies automatically display publications from from UCSF Profiles. For examples of complete biographies, please see Amar Nijagal, M.D. and Jack Harbell, M.D. 

Development of the Site

Rachelle Bresnahan, Manager of the Education Office, oversaw the development of the new Resident Portal. Alexi Callen, a Program Analyst in the education office, was the website liaison for this project, closely supervising the migration of more than one hundred pages of content to the new site, and providing key input on the redesign of numerous templates, schedules, rosters and the like. Analysts Heidi Crist and Katherine Jung (now with the Department of Urology) also made notable contributions to this effort.

The Department's web development team, led by Richard Barg and Colin Fahrion, rebuilt the site using a modern robust website architecture that works equally well on all major browsers, desktop platforms and mobile devices. Raymond Tam provided invaluable technical expertise on IT-related issues including the development of the new login system. Dan Schumm, Chief Administrative Officer for the Department of Surgery, provided hands-on guidance and critical insight throughout, ensuring proper coordination between those charged with bringing this project to final fruition.

Support and Requests for Feature

Moving forward, Alexi Callen of the education office will be the primary contact for issues relating to the Resident Portal. Site-related comments, requests for new features, and the like may also be made at at or via links at the bottom of every page of the site.

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